Thanks for sharing your #iQOO Stories

Nipun Marya iQOO team

2022-07-20 13:53

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Hey, #iQOO fans! 

The other day at work, I blocked some time to read through each one of the #iQOO Story shared by our beta-users. It felt so good to read all the stories and get to know each one of you. I'm overwhelmed with the amount of love and support you have for iQOO and really appreciate the same.

I learned a lot of new stuff through your stories that I wasn't aware of before. What you do, why you chose iQOO, your overall experience with us, and, of course, your passion. Many of you also mentioned that you enjoy exploring social media to see what's trending, and that's where I could most relate.

Thank you for sharing your iQOO stories with us, and I'm eagerly waiting to read more of them!

Happy Questing,

