National Puzzle Day 🧩 | 29th Jan

Cv18 Moderator

2023-01-29 13:17

Hey iQOO Fans,

Hope you all doing great,  Do you know the speciality of today? 😀.

Figure 1, view larger image

Each year on January 29th, National Puzzle Day recognizes how exercising our brains with puzzles is just one of its many benefits.

Whether it's a crossword, jigsaw, trivia, word searches, brain teasers or Sudoku, puzzles put our minds to work. Studies have found that when we work on a jigsaw puzzle, we use both sides of the brain.  And spending time daily working on puzzles improves memory, cognitive function, and problem-solving skills.

Word searches and crossword puzzles have the obvious benefit of increasing vocabulary and language skills. Sudoku, a puzzle sequencing a set of numbers on a grid, exercises the brain as well. By testing memory and logical thinking, this puzzle stimulates the brain and can improve number skills.

History of National Puzzle Day :

In 2002, Jodi Jill created National Puzzle Day as a way to share her enjoyment of puzzles. As a syndicated newspaper puzzle maker and professional quiz maker, Jodi Jill developed classroom lesson plans especially for the observance and the popularity has grown year after year.

Did You Know...

The world's first crossword was published on December 21, 1913 in the Sunday newspaper, New York World? The puzzle was created by journalist Arthur Wayne.

Figure 2, view larger image

What is the purpose of National Puzzle Day?

Whether it's a crossword, jigsaw, word search, Sudoku puzzle or brain teaser, puzzles are a great way to put our minds to work. Regularly spending time working on puzzles can improve:

  • Memory
  • Cognitive function
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Logic and reasoning
  • Critical thinking
  • Vocabulary and numeracy

Word searches and crossword puzzles have the obvious benefit of increasing vocabulary skills and improving spelling, whilst Sudoku and similar maths puzzles can test memory and logical thinking, stimulating the brain and helping to improve number skills.

How to Celebrate?

  • Host a puzzle party and solve puzzles with family and friends. Send out invites in the form of a crossword, decorate the venue with puzzles and serve a Rubik Cube shaped cake.
  • Learn about the history of puzzles and about the science behind creating them.
  • Spend the day solving puzzles of all kinds.

A Simple Puzzle for you :

Figure 3, view larger image

Can you complete this a very simple & Most loved 2 words? 😀.

Let me know the answer in the comments below ✌️.

Hope you got some information with this thread 🙌. See you in next thread . 👋.

Signing off....


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