Congratulations to the winner of Full Coverage 3D Cooling System in iQOO Neo 7

iQOO Connect Official

2023-02-08 17:32

Hey iQOO fans! 

The iQOO Neo 7 is almost here and excitement is in the air. A short while ago we asked you how you maintain your cool in a heated situation, and the replies we received were indeed quite "cool". 😎

The entry that received the maximum number of likes is shared below:

"When I come across the heated situation, I try to be calm for some time, listen and have the perspective of another person. 

Understand that a lot of things in Life won't be in our control and arguments can't make the situation any better. Think about a peaceful solution to settle the scene 🙂."

Congratulations @Ashok on submitting the coolest response! 😎

Figure 1, view larger image

Check out the other contests here and participate to get a chance to win a brand new iQOO Gamepad. 

Happy Questing, 

iQOO Connect 

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