Winners of the iQOO e-store coupon contest

iQOO Connect Official

2023-02-16 17:26

Hey iQOO fans, 

Coupons up to INR 7K were up for grabs for our iQOO community members and we ran a contest to see that competitive spirit of all you guys. The contest required you all to tweet why you guys are iQOO fans and share a screenshot of the same in the comment section of the contest thread as your entry. 

Figure 1, view larger image

While the forum saw many entries, the Top 7 entries to receive the maximum number of likes in order were submitted by the following users:

1. @Rithas Kattekkadan 

2. @sndpthakur 

3. @Abdul Kareem K.K 

4. @KunalKK 

5. @Santhosh_26 

6. @iQOOster 

7. @Shivam Singh 

Congratulations to our 7 winners on winning e-store coupons! 🥳🥳

Please note that the details will be sent to you via email so keep an eye out!

Happy Questing, 

iQOO Connect

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