iQoo has brought its Neo series to India with the launch of the Neo 6 in the super-competitive sub-Rs. 30,000 price segment. In order to give the phone a fighting chance, iQoo has equipped it with powerful hardware such as the Qualcomm Snapdragon 870 SoC, and has bolstered its features by giving it 80W fast charging and a 120Hz AMOLED display. The charging speed especially is a lot higher than what you generally get in this price range. But does this make the iQoo Neo 6 undefeatable? My first impressions of this phone has been pretty positive, and now it's time to see if it's actually as good as it looks.
The iQoo Neo 6 is priced at Rs. 29,999 for the base variant which comes with 8GB RAM and 128GB of storage. The higher variant with 12GB of RAM and 256GB storage, which is the one I have, is priced at Rs. 33,999. The iQoo Neo 6 is offered in two colours, Dark Nova and Cyber Rage.
It has a very fantastic and amazing camera and I specially love the portrait mode of iQOO phones
iQOO Neo 6 support 90fps gaming which is very beneficial for the gaming players to improve their gameplay and conquer the lobby .
I am very happy after using iQOO smartphone and their is no any problem even after 1 year.
When I purchased iQOO Neo 6 I have many doubts at that time but after using iQOO Neo 6
I am fully satisfied with the iQOO smartphones.
Thankyou iQOO 🙌❤️
@iQOO Connect @Nipun Marya @Parakram Hazarika @SahilJadhav @NITIN @Aojesh @varunganjoo @AyushShaw @TechieGuy @Naveen Yerradla @Sougat.S
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