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    Telephoto vs. Periscope Lens: What makes differences, and which's better?
    arjunbansalBest of 2023 - Nominee

    01-18 12:04

    Hello IQOO Fans,

    Ever thought about why our phones have two zoom cameras? They seem similar, so why two? In this thread, let's Break down the telephoto and periscope camera, explaining what they are, how they differ, and why the picture quality varies.

    What is Telephoto Lens?

    A telephoto lens in a smartphone is a special camera that can zoom in more than the main camera. Captures clear images of distant objects without loss of detail. Telephoto lenses focus on a small area to make the subject appear closer, usually with a longer focal length than a regular phone lens, such as 50mm or more. Many new phones have telephoto lenses, great for portraits or zooming in without losing image quality.

    What is Periscope Lens? 

    A periscope lens is a special type of zoom camera that uses tiny lenses and mirrors arranged like a periscope to make distant things appear closer. It doesn't make the phone thicker by using a long lens sticking out. Instead, it arranges small lenses and mirrors at an angle to the main camera. This helps bring the camera closer without making the phone bulky. High-end phones like the IQOO 12 have periscopic lenses Principles for advanced camera features. 

    Why Do I Need Two Different Zoom Cameras in a Smartphone?

    The main difference between a periscope camera and a regular zoom camera on a phone is how they are made and how much they can zoom. A regular zoom camera has a longer lens that sticks out or zooms in more to capture distant things without losing detail. On the other hand, the periscope zoom camera gets closer without zooming in on the phone using small lenses and mirrors like a periscope.

    So both zoom cameras will help you take better pictures of things far away, but the periscope one is made for an even stronger zoom without bulking up the phone.

    As we talked about earlier, smartphones can now zoom much better. The periscope zoom cameras are a big reason for this upgrade. They allow you to take distant pictures just like a normal camera, but without extending the lens. The periscope shape helps the camera fit inside the phone without bulking it up. In addition to being good at capturing things far away, the periscopic zoom camera also uses OIS (Optical Image Stabilization) to make images less noisy, especially in low light or at night. This will make your photos clearer and better.

    I hope this thread gave a detailed difference in between telephoto and periscope lens.

    Arjun Bansal

    [IQOO COmmunity]
