My Entry for Design A Banner Contest l iQOO Connect Best eSports Threads

JStreetS Ranger

2024-04-25 8:13

Hey Quester,

Continuing with my entries for Tech and Photography, it's now time to dive into eSports. The concept is straightforward: for every gamer, their device is the ultimate tool for conquering the battlefield. Just like a sword, rifle, steering wheel, or joystick, it's the key to victory. That's why I chose the iQOO 12 as the ultimate G.O.A.T, likening it to a rifle firing at opponents.

Figure 1, view larger image
Design by Jstreets

I hope you all enjoy it! Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments section below.

I want to clarify that the design I'm sharing hasn't been downloaded or created using AI tools. It's entirely handcrafted by me using Corel Draw 20 and Photoshop CC.

I'm grateful to our community for providing a platform to showcase our talents in various ways. I encourage the continuation of such initiatives, and I wish all participants the best of luck.

Signing Off 

Your Superb Qool Quester 😎 


Best Reviewer Of The Year 2023

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