#Explore with iQOO Connect Community at Namma Chennai#

10-21 21:53

Hello Quester's,

Good day to you all, hope all doing well!.

lets start the event day with small quote

"Do your little bit of good where you are, it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the crowd.” “Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws"

Day started with my friend and nature view on the way to IQOO event, we started from home @ 8 clck and reached the destination at 9.50 AM and meet our Qool Ranger @JStreetS .

Figure 1, view larger image
Figure 2, view larger image

we have got our welcome goodies from iQOO Connect team to everyone. We kicked off with a fun social media task—an "Add Yours" Instagram challenge, where Questers shared a template saying, "I was here at the Explore with iQOO Connect Community.

Figure 3, view larger image

And we started explore the Dakshina Chitra Heritage Museum, with our little skills photography and vediography are follows below.

Figure 4, view larger image
Figure 5, view larger image

Figure 6, view larger image
Figure 7, view larger image
Figure 8, view larger image
Figure 9, view larger image

after exploring the Museum halfway, we have catchup meeting with our youtuber @Sivabharani with tech information about the IQOO mobile compared with other devices and uses and had small quiz session  conducted by our Ranger and products manager.

Figure 10, view larger image

Figure 11, view larger image

At the end of the event we have gather for small thanks giving for the quester who have enthusiastic participate in Quiz and had discussed about the upcoming event in namba chennai. and we went to burger king for lunch much awaited its too late for the lunch we had tummy full and conclude the event with good fellow queste's and more new learning from this event.

Figure 12, view larger image

Special mention to our event co-ordinator and iqoo Connect team to fullfil the event in smooth manner.

@iQOO Connect


@Parakram Hazarika

@Mandeep Sharma

"Explore with iQOO Connect" was a fantastic experience for our community"

Keep Quest On and On..

Tata and signing off

Cool Selvam.

Community Meet-up